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Running Pi-hole is an excellent way to secure devices on your local network against unwanted content. Pi-hole was initially designed to run on a Raspberry Pi, but can be deployed as a container as well. Learn how to run Pi-hole as a container with Podman in this tutorial.

How to switch an old Windows laptop to Linux


Don’t toss your old Windows laptop — give it a new OS! In the words of security expert Steven Vaughan-Nichols: "Desktop Linux can run on your Windows 7 (and older) laptops and desktops. Machines that would bend and break under the load of Windows 10 will run like a charm. And today’s desktop Linux distributions are as easy to use as Windows or macOS."

How to send Linux application logs to AWS CloudWatch


AWS CloudWatch is a useful monitoring service provided by the AWS cloud. It provides default monitoring for server parameters like CPU Utilization, Network In, Network Out, etc. Learn how to send Linux application logs to AWS CloudWatch in this HowtoForge tutorial.

How to Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster


Kubernetes is hot in the DevOps space - mainly due to the open-source platform's portability and scalability. However, misconfigurations are the biggest risk for cloud environments—and Kubernetes is no exception. Learn how to secure Kubernetes clusters in this Container Journal tutorial.

Balancing Linux Security with Usability


Security is a balance between accessibility, usability, and restriction - too far in any of those directions, and you're in for trouble. Here are some tips on how to strike that balance with your Linux system.

Rootless containers using Podman


Want to gain a better understanding of root inside and outside of Podman containers and how user namespaces work? If so, you'll want to check out this informative two-part video series.